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  • #1815
    Gaynor Johnson

    Welcome to the new QAMT Forums!

    We would like to open this forum to discuss topics that fall within the Queensland and National mathematics syllabuses. We have opened multiple forums which cover each mathematics level. QCAA is redeveloping and revising its suite of senior syllabuses to support the introduction of the new QCE system from 2019. Approved syllabuses for implementation are available as PDFs via the this link. Teachers and schools may also access approved syllabuses and associated resources, including the cognitive verbs glossary and teaching and learning plans (TLAPs), in QCAA Portal. These forums are to open dialogue and discuss the new senior syllabus and the existing middle school and primary school syllabus.

    Please read the rules of the Forum:

    Please try and Tag your topic, comment or post appropriately within each forum based on the dot points below. If the post covers multiple topics, please use as many tags as you see fit tags outlined below to connect. Tags will connect topics through multiple forums and serve as an easy search tool.

    1. For general discussion about all of the math syllabuses, please use the Syllabus tag
    2. For discussion on the approved Essential Mathematics syllabus, please use the Essential tag
    3. For discussion on the approved General Mathematics syllabus, please use the General tag
    4. For discussion on the approved Mathematical Methods syllabus, please use the Methods tag
    5. For discussion on the Middle School (7-10) mathematics, please use the Middle tag
    6. For discussion on the approved Specialist Mathematics, please use the Specialist tag
    7. For discussion on the Junior School (P-6) mathematics, please use the Junior tag
    8. All tags should by typed in the topic tag section directly as written above
    9. Multiple tags can be used in one post, separated by a comma
    10. Please be respectful to each other in the forum
    11. Please keep all points of discussion related to the forums they are situated in

    Thank you, and we hope you enjoy our forums.

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