Pedagogy in Mathematics – Download the position paper now!

QAMT works closely with the mathematics associations across each state and territory and with the national body, AAMT to promote excellence in mathematics education. AAMT have today released a white paper ‘Pedagogy in Mathematics’ that outlines the key elements of effective mathematics teaching.

The paper also provides practical guidance in the form of a framework for action to help school leaders, decision makers and teachers implement the recommendations. 

‘Pedagogy in Mathematics’ advocates for a flexible approach, as differences in how students learn and engage with mathematics mean no single approach can meet all learners’ needs. Teachers should draw upon a rich collection of research-informed and high-quality strategies and be empowered to make informed professional judgements, selecting practices intentionally, tailored to specific contexts, learners and purposes. School leaders have an instrumental role in fostering cultures that equip and support teachers to make thoughtful and informed pedagogical choices in their mathematics teaching and learning.

The full paper can be accessed at: 



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